The Routine Trap

The Routine Trap

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Summary: In our businesses we have created practices which make work easier. They have taken hold and become a routine part of the business. In fact, if you try to remember why something is being is done or why is it done this way…can you? 

leadership, delegation, delegate

Courtesy of PhotoXpress


In our businesses we have created practices which make work easier. Or a process to ensure it is done the same way each time. When these are first created they make sense – it is what was needed.  It was based on the people, clients, technology and resources available.

Over time, they have taken hold and become a routine part of the business. In fact, if you try to remember why something is being is done or why is it done this way…can you? Can you describe the circumstances, events or reason of why?

Some routines we have are good – close the books within 5 days of month end, paydays are every two weeks, answer the phone within three rings and train every new hire. These are good routines as they are good for business. It keeps you running smoothly and everyone knows what’s expected.

Here’s the thing…sometimes the routines are a trap. A trap that keeps in you the same place and unable to move forward. When I start working with new clients, one of my favorite questions to ask is “Why is it done this way?”. I ask for two reasons, firstly because sometimes it doesn’t make sense to me so I need an explanation and second,  I know there is a better way and need to know if it is a system issue or a habit.

Ask some of the newer members of your team if they have any questions on practices, processes or procedures. You may be surprised. Depending on how new they are, they may not feel comfortable asking until asked. You answer will elicit one of two responses – “ok, that makes sense” or “wouldn’t it be faster this way”. My usual approach is “Would you open to another way?”.

What routine traps are you holding onto? What can be done more efficiently?

Determine what’s not working for you or those around you. Get out of the routine trap and make a conscious effort to change for the better.