Use your Turn Signal

Summary: In order to be leader and have people follow you – they need to know what direction you are going in.  Are you using your turn signal?

direction, turn, employee ocmmunication
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A couple of years ago I was with a client in Wisconsin and a group of us went out for lunch. Since we didn’t all fit in one car, I offered to take a few people in mine. I had to follow someone else as I had no idea where we were going.  Before we leave the office “Joe” tells me, just follow me, it’s a short ride. We get into our cars and I start following him.   I learned on the way to the restaurant that Joe does not like to use his indicator light (turn signal). So I was caught off guard when needing to turn right or left. We did all make it to the restaurant in one piece and have a nice lunch.

This story got me thinking.

How often when leading our people, do we know where we are going and how to get there but don’t “signal” to anyone else.  Do our “followers” whether in the office or in the car, know where our final destination is? Do they understand the route to get us there? If we need to change course – do we put on our turn signal?

After all, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there”. We have all heard that before. You may know where you are going – the question is  – does everyone on your team know where you are going and how they can help?

How do you communicate your plans to the team?