The Power of Feedback

Usually when feedback is discussed, it’s about “how to give”, “what to say” or “be consistent” – while this is all helpful advice (and necessary). Let’s discuss the Power of Receiving Feedback. That’s right “power”!

According to the definition of power is:  “ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something”.


So imagine, you are open and receptive to feedback from your people and others around you – that feedback will give you the capability to do or accomplish something. That something can be sell more, get more clients, keep clients, innovate, create, or whatever your goal is. Wow!

When you look at it that way, would you agree that receiving feedback is powerful? Great! Now the hard part, getting yourself in the right frame of mind for feedback.

Yes it is one thing to say you are open to feedback and it is quite another to actually receive it.

The way you give feedback is the way your people will give it to you. So if you are a straight shooter and no holds barred, well be prepared to receive the same. If you have a tendency to beat around the bush, guess what so will your employees. They will take their cues from you. So as my father used to “Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it”.

You don’t have to agree with people. Just because someone is giving you feedback, doesn’t mean you have to agree with it, after all there can be behind the scenes conversations and discussions they are not aware of that went into a decision they may not agree with. While you don’t have to agree, you do have to acknowledge.

Acknowledge the feedback. This is easy when the feedback is positive as a simple “thank you” will suffice. What is tougher is the negative or constructive feedback. Don’t get defensive, simply say “you have given me something to think about”.

What to do with it. Again, when it’s positive feedback, be happy with a job well done. When the feedback is negative or constructive think about what the person said. Is it due to lack of information, lack of direction, lack of clarity, or something else. This will give you guidance on how to handle situations in the future and keep in mind “perception is reality”. Their perception of you is their reality so if you don’t like what they perceived – change it.

Your reaction. If your people are not accustomed to giving you feedback, the first person who does is going to be judging your reaction. Very important here, careful what you say or do. Your reaction will let the others know if you are willing and able to receive feedback.  Again, if you are positive – you will receive more. If you are negative – goodbye any future feedback.

Be open to feedback, it will allow you to succeed.

What are your thoughts on feedback? Has it helped you? Please share by adding a comment below.