Stop Putting Out Fires

It’s happened again…you start off your day with great plans, high ambitions, and the energy to move forward. Then…the call, the knock on the door, or the urgent email – there is fire burning that only you can put out…again.  If this is happening to you more than once a week, your job title needs to be “firefighter” instead of CEO, President, Director, Manager, etc.


If you want to grow your business, keep it on track or stay in business – this needs to stop! You can not be leader, if you are the only one who can put out fire. You need to let your people take care of any fire that is than three alarms. You should only be called in to handle the big four or five alarm fires in a high rise where the business is at stake.

Let’s use the same techniques you learned from the firehouse field trip to get you back on track.

STOP. Don’t put out the fires yourself and before doing anything ask yourself these questions:

  • Why am I the only one who can do this?
  • Can this be delegated?
  • Is someone else better informed and prepared to handle the situation?
  • Is this the best use of my time?
  • Is this really urgent?

The main point is this – does the situation really require your attention or do those around you know they can give it to you so they don’t have to do it?

DROP. Better yet coach your employees and delegate the responsibilities. Drop the responsibility from your to do list. This is a gradual process but very effective.  The next time a person comes to you with a “fire”, ask them the following questions:

  • Do you have any ideas on how to fix this?
  • What do you think should be done?
  • If you agree with the answer: Great! Do it yourself and let me know what happens.
  • If you disagree with the answer:  Keep in the mind, if we do that “x” can happen. Any other ideas?

ROLL. Let go and roll with the outcome. Use each situation and outcome as a coaching moment – ask:

  • Why something happened
  • What should have happened
  • How to prevent going forward
  • Can it happen again?

People will start thinking for themselves and in the way you taught (coached) them. This will take time, so don’t give up or fall back into the old habit at the first sign of resistance or mis-step.

What are the results? You can stop being a firefighter and return to your position of CEO, President, Director, Manager or Chief Idea Creator!

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