Why should I care about leadership?

Summary:  We are all good managers – we get things done. So why is leadership important? 

Let’s face it -we are all good managers. When it comes to a process, project, or reporting – we get it done. Getting the work completed, presentable and above satisfactory we are wonderful, fantastic even. So why should we care about leadersip? The work is getting done and isn’t that the point. To tell you the truth, it’s about 1/2 way to the point.

Group of smiley followers

Huh? Before I explain, let me ask you a couple of questions.

  • Are you constantly following up on others?
  • Are you double checking other people’s work to ensure it was done properly?
  • Do you feel you are the only one who seems to care about the work?
  • How much time is this taking?
  • What would you do instead?

Leadership allows you to work with and through others while they are taking accountability for their work and want to follow your lead.

Yes, to be a leader you need followers (not in the cult type of way).

So how do you attract followers in your group? For starters by not constantly following up or double checking their work. Learn to delegate. Listen, communicate, and coach your employees to success. Do this and they will follow and imitate you when leading their own groups.

Listen: Let them tell you want they want. Not to mention, they can provide ideas, thoughts, and suggestions for improvement or new products/services.

Communicate: Tell people what you are thinking, about your goals, dreams, etc. Relate to them, have them join the conversation, and make them important.

Coach: Work with them, guide them and support them to be the person you and the company needs them to be.

This is a synthesis of the principals of people leadership – what are your thoughts?