A Time to be Thankful

Summary: This is the time of year to be thankful. I would like to add to the typical list.  What are you thankful for?

This time of year has all of thinking about being thankful. Being thankful for our family and friends. I would like to add to the list – passionate work, co-workers, and the chance to lead.


I am thankful for being able to work as too many people are without work or underemployed. I say “passionate work” because I truly enjoy what I do each and every day. I cannot imagine doing a job or a career that I was not enthusiastic about or gave me purpose.  Think about how much time you spend at work, worrying about work or viewing emails – do you really want to spend that much time on something you don’t enjoy? Not me.

I am thankful for co-workers as they are people I share time with and can bounce ideas of off. While my co-workers are other consultants or small business owners and yours may be the person in the next desk – think about how much they help you on a daily basis either personally or business-wise. Just asking someone about themselves can bring a new perspective to your day.

I am thankful for a chance to lead. This takes on many forms for me – it can be my clients, the community who reads my newsletter, those who read this blog, the business group at the chamber or other HR professionals. Just the slightest opportunity to make a difference or give someone a new thought or educate on a topic is personally empowering. Having this chance is not something I take likely and I want to thank you for giving me opportunity.

What or Who are your thankful for?