Resolutions or Revolutions

Summary: Are you making resolutions you won’t keep or create a revolution in your business? Ask yourself a few questions and let the revolution begin.

The beginning of a year is usually when we start filling our heads with promises to ourselves – we call them New Year’s Resolutions. You know what these promises look like:

“I will loose 10 pounds this year”

“I will exercise at least three times a week this year.”

“I will save more money this year.”

And more often than not, by the time February has finished we have forgotten or make excuses as to why it can’t happen or why it’s impossible this year. You know the routine.



Instead take a different approach – create a revolution! While you may not be overtaking a country or stopping a fascist dictator, you can change what is around you.

Take a look at your business – a good hard look, no skimming allowed. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is working?
  • What’s not working?
  • What has to stay the same?
  • What can be upgraded?
  • Are there any sacred cows?
  • How do I feel about the office environment?
  • Where do I want to be at the end of the year?
  • Are we working together as a team?
  • Do I have plan?

As you are answering these questions, you may realize the revolution needs to take place in your business. Envision what it will look like at the end and create the plan.

Post your plan to the wall, talk to your staff, and let everyone know so they can help hold you accountable and most of all – Just do it!

What would you like to change in your business?