Brain Teaser Point of View

Summary:  Just like puzzles or brain teasers, by viewing people from a different view from out own can lead to good changes.

I am a self-proclaimed puzzle or brain teaser addict. Luckily for me, my six year old has the same fascination. While working on a puzzle together and explaining he needed to look at the puzzle differently in order to solve it, I realized this is what I am telling my clients this on a regular basis.



What am I talking about? It is a normal human point of view that when we look at situations, we see it from our point of view. Any situation, comment, experience we relate it to what we have done and experienced in the past.Totally normal.

However, when dealing with other people, this isn’t always the best point of view. Huh? Just like the brain teaser puzzles – looking at people from a different point of view can help you “solve” the puzzle. What does this mean? If you were to take step back and try to view the world or work space from their point of view what would you see?

How would you treat the person, talk to them, explain, teach or coach them? Think about the impact this would have on your conversations – would the person understand you better the first time? Would you have a better understand of how to communicate effectively?

Now – what would this mean to you as a leader? Would you have people more willing to follow you and listen to you? After all that is the main difference between a manager and a leader. A manager is a title and a leader is followed.

Try it and let us know what happens below.