A Matter of Control

Summary: Do you find yourself with employees and saying “if you want it done right – do it yourself”. It’s about control. Try these three steps to let them work better and remain in control.

When it comes to working with people one of the things we have to do is let them do their job. I know it seems obvious, right? Then why do hear “they don’t do what is needed” or “I can’t delegate to them” or “if you want it done right – do it yourself”?


There are several factors that take place here:

  • training
  • their skills and abilities
  • attitude (both yours and theirs)
  • delegating properly
  • control

Training means you have to take your time tot each or coach someone to do their job.  The key word is “time” because when you have a new person or a new process/procedure it takes your time and patience to explain to the other person how do their job.

Their skills and abilities is most times the most frustrating.  We believe someone has the skill and ability to do what is needed to later find out…they don’t. This comes from either poor recruiting (a topic on its own) or pushing someone past their abilities. As much as we may believe that all people should be striving and doing more – not everyone is capable.  See people for who they are and what they can do.

Attitude is a two way street. If you have the “to get it done right, I have to do it myself” attitude, guess what…the other person will see that and make it true. Guaranteed every time! When they have the attitude, try to focus in on why its there.

Delegating properly is not as tough as many make it out to be. Well in one way – you have to get out of their way. Explain to the person what needs to be done, by when, provide all the information they need and set out of the way. Yes, that means don’t start by going back and saying “I forgot to tell you about x, y or z” or “how is it going’. Plan ahead of time and let them know you are available. The rest is up to them.

Control! This is your biggest challenge because you were the person who started out by doing everything and knew each everything about your business – no mysteries. Until now. Now you find yourself giving responsibility to another person so you are no longer seeing emails, invoices, checks, messages, faxes, etc. You know feel out of control!

So how do you find that balance of feeling in control without doing all the work?

Try these three steps:

  • Determine what you need to know. For example is it necessary to see every check that comes in or do you need a summary at the end of the week/month?
  • How do you want the information. Do you want a summary, a daily/weekly report, a quick email, etc.? Think about what you need to know and what the easiest way for the person to give it to you. Make it easy and simple otherwise you won’t get it or it will take up too much of their time.
  • Tell them. Only after you know what and how you want something can you have a discussion with the person. Explain why you need the information, how to present it and how often.

Have you found yourself being out of control? Share how you overcome it below.