Is a bad apple spoiling the bunch?

Summary:  One person with a negative attitude in your business can infect everyone. Tips on what to do about it.

The one aspect of human behavior that still confuses me is how infectious negative behavior is compared to positive.  Why is it that rumors, bad behavior or criticism can spread throughout a company at lightning speed whereas compliments, awards or great service can take what feels like forever to get around? This holds true whether there are a couple employees or several hundred.


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Why should you be concerned about this? A bad apple will spoil the bunch. If you have that one person who is negative, thinks the company is run poorly or is convinced they know it all – watch how it travels and infects the others around them.  If you have this person, you know exactly who I am talking about.

The question becomes how to deal with it. Here are a few options:

Let them know. Sometimes your Negative Nelly has no idea the impact they have on others. Sit them down and explain how they are affecting the rest of team. Let the know they have limited time to turn this around.

Talk. When your Negative Nelly knows exactly what they are doing and almost seem intent on undermining your authority/business – you will have a different talk. This time it will be about how if they don’t change their attitude – they will be changing jobs. It sounds harsh and it is – but not as bad as what they are doing. Explain the behavior cannot be tolerated.

Let them go. If their negativity has been discussed and there are no changes, you are left with no choice. This negative attitude/behavior will cost you more than their attitude – others will become infected, your clients will be affected and so will your business.

It’s always difficult dealing with a bad apple as you may not be sure to what extent they will go. As difficult as it may, confronting them on their behavior is the only option if you want to see change.

How have you dealt with your bad apple?