Do you have this reputation?

Summary:  Are you guilty of not answering emails? Follow these three tips to change your reputation.

Are you guilty of this? You receive emails, phone messages or get asked questions….then nothing. By nothing I mean – you don’t respond. You may have many reasons for this – too busy, lots of messages, don’t have any answer or always behind.

email, reputation
Courtesy of PhotoXpress

Regardless of why you are having trouble answering people, you need to be aware of how this is affecting you. By doing this on a consistent basis you are damaging your reputation as a leader. You have become that person who “ignores email”, “never answers the phone” or “won’t call back”. My guess would be that this is not the reputation you want or are looking for.

How do you tackle all the messages?

  • Schedule your time. Actually block out time in your calendar each day (maybe twice) to respond to emails and phone calls.
  • Make it a habit. As tough as it may be since you have other pressing matters, make it a habit to answer each message. Your answer can even be “I will get to you on Friday”. This way they know you have seen the message.
  • File it away. Don’t keep all your emails in your inbox, just the sight of so many emails can be intimidating. If you no longer need the message either file it away or delete it.

You can start changing your reputation today. Follow these simple steps and watch your reputation as “the person who ignores emails” disappear.