The What and How of Saying It

Summary:  The message to our people can get lost in the “how” of “what” we said. Don’t let this happen, here are a few tips to keep you on track.

This is the dilemma we usually face isn’t it. We want to focus on the “what” of our communications and our people focus on the “how” of our communications. So why do we need to focus on both. Well, simply put because if you don’t your message won’t be heard.

communication, employee relations
image courtesy of PhotoXpress

So how do we fix the “how” of speaking? Keep these tips in mind:

  • Remember your audience.  When writing to a client/customer you keep in mind who you are writing or talking to – the people who work for you are no different. Determine what you want to say and think “is there a better way to say this”?
  • Put it in perspective. If there is a greater reason for doing something, let the person know. “Our client has asked for the information to be presented in this format” works better than “I need the information in this format”.
  • Be Polite. When we are in a hurry or feel rushed we can forget our manners. Please and Thank You still carry a lot of weight and are greatly appreciated.

These are simple strategies that will take you a long way in the “how” of speaking and writing. At first it will require thought, with practice it will become second nature.

Share your experiences with the “how” of saying it.