Is a Bad Apple spoiling your Bunch?

Summary: We have all experienced or have that one person who started out well and over time has become mediocre to awful. Worse yet, it has become contagious and spread to others. What do you do? 

We have all seen it, we have experienced it…and uh, oh…you have one.

Now they didn’t start out this way. Actually, they were fantastic. What am I talking about…the rotten apple employee. This is a person who started off good and spread the goodness. Over time, for whatever reason, the good has changed to mediocre to downright awful.  The thing is their attitude has become contagious.

bad attitude, employees, leadership
Courtesy of PhotoXpress

The Bad Apple Spoiling the Bunch.

Did you just nod your head in knowing? You’ve seen it and experienced it. You have also been frustrated by it and at a loose for what to do. Your first reaction may be to get rid of them, before you jump into action here are a few things to consider:

 Their reach. Who are their closest allies? In other words, if this person were to leave, who would go with them? Are they of the same mindset or just followers?

The work. What is your plan to have the work covered? Is it for the short-term or long-term? If others will also leave, what about their work.

Have a plan. Work still needs to be covered and completed. Put together two plans, one for only the rotten apple leaving and the other is the bunch leaves. Work your plan and have a backup, don’t rely on yourself or the others to cover as replacements and training may take more time than you think.

While you are working the plan and putting it together do not slow down or diminish your expectations. Ask and demand the same level of work as before and document (hopefully you have been doing this already). Keep track of what you ask for and what is not getting done. Discuss it with them, the conversation where you let them go should not be first time they are hearing the information.

Who knows, they may get tired of the constant conversations and leave on their own terms. Either way, you have your plan and stick to it.

How do you deal with your “rotten apples”? Share in comments.