Remember your Manners, say Thank You

Summary:  Growing up we were reminded to say “Thank You”. When it comes to the people around you that make you successful – when was the last time you said “Thank You”. A few easy ways to say “Thank You”.

How many times growing up did you hear some version of “Remember your manner and say ‘Thank You’“? Not only is it polite, it is also a way to show your appreciation.  It could be for a gift, the effort to make a delicious meal or for holding the door open. We probably say “Thank You” to strangers many times a day.

thank you, recognition, employees
Courtesy of PhotoXpress

When it comes to your own people, those who make your business run (clients, employees, vendors, partners, etc.) – when was the last time you said “Thank You”.

Let’s face it, we all appreciate having our efforts recognized, we don’t need it screamed from the mountain tops however a pat on the back goes a long way.

Easy ways to say thank you:

A Note. A good old fashion hand written note does wonders, especially since we don’t see them that much. When a person does something special or above & beyond a note is cherished. Try it and see how it gets displayed.

Saying “Thank You”. When your people leave at the end of the day as they are walking out the door say “Thanks for your support/help today”. If it was  especially crazy “Thanks for staying calm during the storm”.

E-Mail. I know this sounds cold or quick or unprofessional. Well, to be honest I think that depends more on the sentiment behind it – if you are being quick, cold or unprofessional the reader will know.  Back to the point – when someone in circle does something extraordinary – shout it out via email.  This would be the modern day version of the screaming from the mountain tops expect it goes out to either your company, circle of acquaintances, or a select few.

A token. This could be a small gift, food (think ice cream, pie, bagel, etc.) or leaving early. For those extra special occasions nothing says Thank You like “why don’t you leave at 3pm today” on a Friday 🙂

I’m sure your creativity and knowing the person you are thanking, you can come up with many more ways to say “Thank You”. Share your Thank You ideas below and let’s all remember our manners.