Get the Ideas Flowing

Summary:  Follow these 5 Rules of Brainstorming to get the ideas flowing in your company and get unstuck.

You’ve been there right – needing ideas for a new way to do things or to improve a process or to write about. You will agonize and the more you try to focus on finding what you need, the more elusive it becomes. Are you shaking your head right now? I am, I’ve been there too many times.

I have had clients who have been there. So what do you do?


brainstorm, idea generation
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Did you just groan? Most people do since they have been a part of more brainstorming session gone bad than good.

A bad brainstorming session can lead to people not sharing, insecurities, the same old answer, the same old ideas and people who don’t want to do it again. Of course you groaned if you experienced this.

A good brainstorming session leads to ideas, sharing, openness, increased responsibility and team building.  Really, I’m not lying 🙂

Follow the rules of brainstorming and keep to them and you can’t go wrong.

Rule #1: No judgments. Use the whiteboard to capture everything that is said without judgment. In other words, no one should say “we tried that before and it didn’t work” or “what a stupid idea” or “I don’t like it” or “it will never work”…you get the idea.

Rule #2: Don’t edit. This is actually for the people in the room, don’t let them edit themselves thinking it’s a bad idea. Even if someone says “purple elephant” put in on the board and who knows what other ideas it will trigger. If you follow Rule #1, Rule #2 happens.

Rule #3: Have fun. If there seems to be a lull of ideas, say something funny or outrageous to get the creativity going again.

Rule #4: Limit time.  Let’s face it no one wants to do this all day long. For one topic 20 minutes should be plenty, however if the idea flows have stopped (even after rule #3) then end the session there.

Rule #5: Once brainstorming is done – then refine. You have to end the brainstorming part of the session, only then do you speak to the group about their thoughts on the different suggestions, any experience with implementing and what is feasible. This way people know they have moved on and are beginning the planning stage.

Sometimes to get the best results, especially if there is friction in the team or previous attempts haven’t worked. Get an outside facilitator. I am more than happy to help, just drop me a line.

Share your best or worst brainstorming memories below in the comments.