Leadership Starts Here

Summary: When people think about leadership the first thought jumps to “how do I lead my people better” which is good however I would say there three things you need to do first to create the leader you want to be.


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When people think about leadership the first thought jumps to “how do I lead my people better” which is good however I would say there are a few things you need to do first.

Leadership starts before you get in front of people or put together your team. If you already have a team, just take a step back to consider this.

Values. We all have values we live by, whether you have consciously recognized them or not – you are driven by your values. Start by understanding what your values are as this will affect all you do.  For example, I have two values above all else – Integrity and Curiosity. For me demonstrating my own integrity and seeing it others is important, this creates trust for me.  Curiosity can show itself in many ways, for me it is a thirst for knowledge and I want the same in people I work closely with. This will guide who you end up surrounding yourself with so best to know.

Who you are.  While my past does not dictate my future it has molded me into the person I am today. What words would you use to describe yourself. Be honest and own it. We are each different, let’s relish in that. If we were all the same, how boring would this world be. Your background, experiences and life will show show through in your leadership. Understand what it is now.

Type of Leader.  The combination of the two above will direct you into the type of leader you want to be. Keep in mind you can learn from other leaders but do not imitate – you didn’t live their life and experiences so you can’t be the same (there is only one Jack Welch). Decide on the traits you want to demonstrate as a leader and how you want to viewed, respected and acknowledged by others.

This is what will make you unique you and feel more authentic to who you are. Now live this every day. I know it won’t be easy, you will have to very conscious of all your actions for a while. Keep in mind it takes 4-6 weeks for a behavior to become a habit so don’t be tough on yourself.

Have a tough time going this on your own, we can guide and mentor you. Just email us as [email protected] to get started.