The Power of Listening

Summary:  We have lost the skill of active listening. What you need to do and how to benefit from it.

leadership, listening, improve listening
Image courtesy of Photoxpress

Since we were young, we were told to listen. As children, we didn’t listen because we didn’t like what we heard. As adults, we have not gotten better, in fact we are worse. We have so much information going through our mind at any given time, it can be amazing we even know what we are thinking about much less what someone else is trying to tell us.

This lost skill, I would say is the most important in your business and as a leader. Why? Believe it or not people will tell you want they are looking, need and want. It’s in the words they use.

To actively listen to someone – there can be no distractions. Distractions can be external or internal.

External distractions are our phones, email, computer, people knocking at our door, etc. We have gotten better about turning off the external distractions, however the internal ones are much more difficult.

Internal distractions are our own thoughts. They can be related to what the person is saying, as in we are forming our answer, argument or story in support. They can be related to our own to-do list – “as soon as this conversation is over I have to do ….” or “When is that client going to call” or “I figured out the solution to a problem”, etc.

How often do you have your mind quiet when speaking to someone else? Free from thought? Intent on listening to what the other person is saying or not saying.

Try it and see what you learn about the other person.

Let me share how this approach has benefited me – more quickly establish the know, like and trust factor. Clients feel that I am giving them what they need not what I want. I’m able to close more sales. I gain more clients. I have more people willing to refer my services.

Would you like the same results? Contact me and we can discuss how I can help.