What Employees Want You to Know

Summary: If I were to go around your organization and ask each person “What do you want your manager to know about leading you?”. What kind of answers would I get? Do any of these sound familiar?    


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If I were to go around your organization and ask each person “What do you want your manager to know about leading you?”  What do you think they would answer?

If you are cynical, your answers will be “I want more money” or “I need more time off” or “Tell me what to do as I don’t want to think”. If this is you, let’s talk – you can’t continue this way.

For the rest of you, it is safe to say most people want to do their best each day – however they are things that may get in the way and some of those are coming from you.

Here’s what they want you to know:

We are a team.  As in they are on your side and want to work together. Energy and ideas come from working with their peers and team mates. Give them time together to solve issues.

We are also individuals. While is seems to contradict the “team”, it is actually complimentary to the team. Each person has their own strengths, abilities, and differences. What may work for one person, may not work for the next. Understand they are individuals and will work differently.

Include me. Talk to them about ideas, challenges, or issues. They are at the front lines and can contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way. This also means – communicate. Talk to them, answer their questions, respond to phone calls and email. Let your actions show they are included.

Give me space.  Learn to delegate properly. No one wants to be micro-managed or constantly looked in on. Once you give a person an assignment or task to take care of, determine a follow-up date and get out of their way. The constant follow-up will actually demotivate them.

Mentor me. Do you have good employee? Do you have a person who shows great potential? Make them great by being a mentor. Find time to talk and work together…they will flourish and give you the credit.

What would your employees tell you? What else would you add to this list?

Want to get different answers from your people, start by contacting Andrea for a complimentary leadership consultation.