Getting more…employee motivation

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This is what we all want isn’t it? Getting more with little effort.  If only the world really worked that way.  Actually it does. In these economic times we find ourselves having to do more with less. Whether it is more work from fewer employees, more clients with less marketing, or more “to-do’s” with less time.

Getting more work from fewer employees has been a common theme we hear about or how to get employees to do more.  While there is no magic pill/trick/technique for this – there are some tips that can help you.

The most important thing to learn is “what motivates” your employees.  Let’s get the typical answer out of the way – it is NOT money, well…not in the long term (unless their are commissioned sales people).  Short term money can boost an employee’s motivation for about a couple paychecks then it is back to business as usual.  What you need to find out is what motivates them in long run, what will get them to do more, be better, or succeed on a consistent basis.

If you don’t want to ask directly – here are a few things to look out for.

Support – I know this sounds really basic but by showing (and meaning it) your employees that they have your support, understanding, and interest goes a long way.  How do you know if you have this type of employee? Do they want to share and discuss ideas? Do they say “thank you” when you support their idea/behavior in front of someone else? Do they come to you and say “I was thinking of doing X, is that ok?”

Public Recognition – this is person who loves it when you announce to the world what a wonderful job they have done.  This can be done by an announcement in an employee meeting, company wide email, or a certificate/plaque/thank you note they can display.  How do you know if your employee is motivated by this? Ask yourself – are they very social, they copy lots of people in their email, they will sing their own praises to anyone who will listen.

Private Recognition – this is the person who appreciates a quiet “thank you” or “good job” for the work they have done.  This can be done through a thank you note, pat on the back, or a gift certificate to their favorite place. Which employees prefer this? They are the quiet one. The thought of standing up in front of a group of people makes them cringe!

No surprises – this is the person who enjoys coming in and knowing what is going to happen and it should be the same as yesterday. You know the one – likes their routine and don’t change anything! While you may not be able to avoid change or giving them more work, you can do it slowly.  Since they thrive in a consistent environment, asking them to do more has to be done slowly. The conversation would be – I really need your help but don’t want to overwhelm you, can I ask you to do this one extra thing every day?

Change it up, I’m bored – the complete opposite of the “no surprises” person. This person is motivated by change and enjoys a challenge. Give them the same thing to do everyday and they will look like the plants in my office – dead.  You already know who this is since they are your “go to” person. Try this for an interesting twist – give this person the “problem” to be solved and tell them the solution needs to be a procedure.   Once they have a workable procedure pass it off to the “no surprises” person and give them something new.

These are just a couple ways to motivate people and get them to do more.  If you are not sure what will work – ASK. Yes, just ask them either “what motivates you” or “why do you enjoy your job” or “what’s important/valuable to you”.  You will get some wonderful answers and may just be pleasantly surprised!