Sticky note with tex what is your why

Your WHY Matters

why, culture, leadership

When you think back to when you started your career – do you remember why? Why you choose the career you did? What was your bigger goal/ambition?

Now that you are further along, is your “why” the same? Or has it gotten bigger?

I remember when I first started in Human Resources I was driven by the stories told by my parents of their workplaces. Listening I always thought – why don’t they do better? Don’t they care about the people? That was my “why” for getting into HR. Today, my why is still based on the same principals only expanded. I know small businesses care about their people and their business. My why is now about finding the balance between business success and people success.

What does your why look like? The Why is your motivation and reason you do what you do. It is not the how or what.

While our Why drives you it also affects what you do and the people around you. Companies and leaders with strong a “why” (beyond profits) are the most successful. Your Why will reflect in all you do as it shows up in how and what you do. It shows up in your leadership style, values, mission and your customers notice it as well.

Think about the people you have worked with and for – the great ones, the inspirational ones, the people you motivated you the most, had strong a “why”. They may not have said what it was however it was shown in all their actions.

To learn more about the power of why, I highly recommend Simon Sinek’s book “Start with the Why”.

Want to bring your why more strongly into your company and the culture? Call me, I would love to help – you don’t have to do it alone.