Why can’t they leave well enough alone

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When was the last time an employee walked into your office and offered a suggestion? What was your reaction? Do your employees see you as being open to suggestions, ideas, comments or improvements? Are you sure??

We all know we should say “yes” and encourage it. But deep down in places you don’t share with others – do you really believe this? Or do you find it a put-off when someone wants to change something? Be honest. Even if you aren’t, your employees know as they can read your body language and lack of enthusiasm or encouragement.

So what do you do when you don’t want to have an open door? What do you do when someone wants to provide more? First, understand that yes you really do need to let this happen and encourage it. However you can provide a way that is more comfortable to you and makes it easier for you to accept.

Here are several ideas to make it easier for you.

Email: Yes email can take over your life and at times it seems you cannot get away from it. However if used properly, it can help you.  Explain to your employees that if they have suggestions, ideas, etc. on how to improve, you would prefer to receive them via email.  This will allow you the opportunity to review and give each item consideration.  What this means for you is that when you have the time, are in the proper frame of mind, and are free from distractions you can read. You will also be able to determine whether an idea has merit and can be implemented or needs more information.  As a side note, you will see which employees are good at writing and winning support for their ideas.

Office Hours: Schedule a time to meet with an employee to discuss their idea.  During this time you would not answer emails, answer your phone or be distracted.  You would have a good conversation about why they think the change is needed, who it would affect and how it could be implemented.  One conversation and you get all the cards on the table.  If you have question they cannot answer – schedule a follow-up for them to do the research or talk to others.  Slowly people will start to understand how you think and will come prepared ahead of time with all the possible answers.

Suggestion Box: Before you roll your eyes or dismiss this – give me a chance to explain.  We all know that the suggestion box has turned into a “complaints” box or worse, an empty box.  The suggestion here is similar to email so go through it each day.  If you want a physical box leave it by your office and tell employees their name needs to be on it so you know who to give the credit to.  If you have an intranet site – create a virtual suggestion box so all can see and comment. This would also allow for feedback from others on how they would tweak the suggestion or take it one step further. You would only have to give your blessing at the end of the discussion.

No matter which way you decide to do it – you need to respond to people within 24 hours of giving you the suggestion.  Even if the response is “your idea is interesting and I need more time to review.  I will get back to you on xxx” yes give a date and follow through on it.  People need to know that they are being listened to and recognized for the effort (and sometimes the courage) to provide a suggestion.

Open your door and mind on your terms and it will be easier for you to show that enthusiasm.

Share your ideas, what has worked for you?