Do they REALLY know what is expected?

Road map with markers

Has your company changed in the last couple of year? The changes could come in the form of the clients you serve, growth, formalized procedures, subject to new regulations, subject to fewer regulations, etc. If I had to guess without speaking to you directly – the answer would be yes. All business change and adapt […]

Why Do I Want “Happy” Employees?

happy and smiling girl with a smile painted on paper

Sounds fluffy doesn’t it – happy employees…I mean really as a business owner or manager how can you influence someone happiness? Why does it matter if they are happy or not…isn’t it about the work? Maybe “happy” is too subjective, after all what makes one person smile is different for another person. Let’s substitute “happy” […]

An Employee is Involved in a Violent Protest – Now What?


The right to free speech is entrenched in the US Constitution. We have the right to speak our political views, to speak our opinions, and to speak out about what matters to us. We all know this and respect it (even when we don’t like the other person’s view). This allows to protest and express […]

Is Recruiting New People Getting You Frustrated?


I see it time and time again. Business owners and managers getting frustrated over the recruitment process. The process of trying to figure out if a person is good fit for the company, position, and peers. The entire process can feel long, time consuming, and with questionable results. Let’s review each step in the process […]

Effective July 1st – Did you do it?


  I know talking about the legalities of having employees is not on top of everyone’s list. I thought I would summarize some important legislation that has recently taken effect. Did you know several workplace ordinances came into effect on July 1st? Many have been in the news and debated. To ensure you didn’t miss […]

A 10-point People Check-Up for Success

Medical concept with stethoscope on keyboard

July marks the mid-point for the year. We have had 6 months of accomplishments, successes, and challenges and we will have 6 more months this year to accomplish our vision. This is a good time to remind ourselves of what we need to keep an eye on going forward. Our people will make us successful […]

You’re logical and the problem is emotional – now what?

Macro photo of tooth wheel mechanism with imprinted arrows and LOGIC, EMOTION concept words

When we look at our people and the work they do – we think logically. First this, then that or this team should work together or why don’t they ask. It’s all logical thinking. What we are missing is the emotion. For each person (and yourself) many subjects have some emotion tied to them. That […]

“A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand”

us and them road signs pointing in different directions

We have all heard the saying – “A house divided against itself cannot stand” by Abraham Lincoln. While originally spoken in regards to a divided United States, it still holds true in non-political matters. Today, these words can be used in many organizations. People may refer to it as “us vs. them” mentality. Who are […]