Do they Trust You?

Summary: To be an effective leader, you have to have “positive trust”. How do you know if you do? Regardless of the type of leader you are – business, community, volunteer, or sports. The one thing you must have, without a doubt, in order to be effective is Trust. Trust:   assured reliance on the character, ability, […]

Leadership is the key to Successful Teams

Summary: How does a team become successful? Leadership. Have a common goal, talk about it and more.   I realize it’s not an event everyone watches here in the USA or is obsessive as me. Every four years I look forward to the FIFA World Cup (soccer in the USA and football everywhere else). One the […]

How Do You Make Them Feel?

Summary:  Maya Angelou has a wonderful quote about how people remember how you made them feel. Imagine your impact on the business if people feel empowered and engaged. Maya Angelou has a wonderful quote that is directly related to leadership and working with people. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will […]

Saying “No”

Summary: Are you always being asked to help, join or lead? Are you finding it difficult to say “no”? Start changing it now and be empowered by it.   Are you the person everyone comes to for help, to join a committee or to lead a group? I know I am.  One of the hardest […]

Building Business Relationships

Summary:  When I speak to others about working with other people, doesn’t matter the situation – networking, clients, employees, etc., it’s about getting to know the other person and not about you or a process or procedure. Sometimes we are so eager to answer their question or tell the world what we do – we […]

The Answer is a Question

Summary: It can happen to us many times a day – we get asked a questions.  As respectful adults, we answer questions that are asked of us. However, when it comes to training people or furthering their development, the best answer is another question.   It can happen to us many times a day – we […]

The Power of Listening

Summary:  We have lost the skill of active listening. What you need to do and how to benefit from it. Since we were young, we were told to listen. As children, we didn’t listen because we didn’t like what we heard. As adults, we have not gotten better, in fact we are worse. We have […]

Which one will you receive?

Summary:  An employee who is leaving your company has sent you a letter – which one will you receive? What do you have to do to get the one you want? An employee has sent you a letter about your leadership style. Which letter would you rather receive?   **** Letter One **** Dear Boss: […]

How to avoid firing people

Summary:  The best way to avoid firing people is to ensure you hire right.  Here are some tips to help make that happen. This is usually one of the hardest decisions someone has to make in their career, deciding the fate of another person. Should they stay or go? This decision also should not be […]

Skip the either/or, find the “and” in recruiting

Summary: When hiring, skip the either/or of cultural fit and skills. Make it cultural fit “and” skills. Finding, recruiting and hiring people can be an on-going activity at many companies. This can be due to growth or turnover (replacing people). Actually I find in many cases, it is because they have the wrong person in […]