Minimizing the Dissapointment

Summary:  You get a joy of watching people grow into new roles. Sometimes with a promotion that means one other person doesn’t get it. Handled properly you can keep them interested and motivated. If you the type of leader that coaches and mentors those around you – one of the greatest joys is watching them […]

Leadership and Style

Summary: We all have a thinking style, a fashion style and working style. When was the last time you thought about your leadership style? Ask yourself these questions to determine yours. We all have a thinking style, a fashion style and a working style. When was the last time you thought about your leadership style? […]

Day One Leadership

Summary: Whether through promotion or hiring for your own company – you may now be leading your former peers! Now what? It happens, sometimes it’s planned and other times not. You may know it was going to happen and sometimes you may not realize it. It’s leading your peers. It could be due to a […]

Starting Leadership

Summary:  You have realized you are a manager and more importantly a leader. Where do you start? How do you create the team you want? You have grown your business to the point where you can’t do it all yourself – congratulations! You are tasting success and you love it. You hire people to work […]

The Buck Stops Here

Summary:  We have all heard the saying “the buck stops here”. The word for this is accountability. Begin a culture of accountability with yourself and your people. We have all heard the saying “the buck stops here”. This is usually heard when someone is referring to the CEO. However most of us would like to […]

Delegate with the End in Mind

Summary: We can’t do it all ourselves, we have to delegate to others. Keeping these tips in mind will help you and the person you delegate to be successful. As much as we would like to do it all…we just can’t. We need to rely on others to get the work done. This means enlisting […]

What to do first?

Summary:  Important tasks and projects compete for our time. So how to get it all done? Focus and Prioritize. There is always so much we want to accomplish each day, week and month. We look at our goals for the year, decide the steps we need to take, and even give ourselves a deadline. It […]

The 5 W’s of Planning

Summary:  It’s the New Year and you know what you want to accomplish. Is it enough? Implement the 5 W’s to ensure you accomplishments are a reality by the end of the year. Welcome 2013! It’s the new year, which for many is a great place to start looking at planning. You most likely already know where […]

A Case of the Listening Ears

Summary:  Lessons learned after being given a case of “listening ears” – lost my voice. Listening is important to succeed. You need to listen to your clients if you want to serve them. You need to listen to your suppliers to ensure you will receive what you need. You need to listen to your employees […]

The What and How of Saying It

Summary:  The message to our people can get lost in the “how” of “what” we said. Don’t let this happen, here are a few tips to keep you on track. This is the dilemma we usually face isn’t it. We want to focus on the “what” of our communications and our people focus on the “how” of […]