Start your Planning with Words

Summary:  It’s that time of year where we sit down to work on our plan for next year. This year start with your words then the numbers. It’s that time of the year – we have entered the fourth quarter which means time to plan for next year.  This is a time to reflect on […]

Decisions, decisions, decisions

Summary:  People make decisions differently, understand how if you want an answer quickly. Ever notice how people make decisions? How some can make decisions on the spot and others take what feels like an eternity? How is this and does it matter? We make decisions every day, they can be as mundane as “Do I […]

Finding Your Leadership Style

Summary: Whether a new leader or becoming more effective – it starts with finding your “internal leader”. You may be new to leadership or we may be interested in being more effective as a leader, either way it is important to determine your style. I almost hesitate to call it a style since that makes […]

3 Tips to Attract Candidates

Summary:  Have you read a job ad lately? It is amazing that anyone applies. Don’t let this happen to you, follow these three tips. I am a volunteer. Every Monday I meet with one or two people to guide them through job transition. I do this through a local non-profit CareerPlace. I enjoy the work, […]

Focus On Strengths

Summary:  Want to get the most out of people? Focus on their strengths. When you lead a team of people, your main goal is to get them to succeed in their position and for the company. However at times we get caught up in the day-to-day and the tasks that need to be completed. While […]

3 Tips for Creating a Team with Remote Workers

Summary:  Having a remote team in convenient however creating a team can be challenging. These three tips should get you on your way. Aahhh…the convenience of working with a remote team. They don’t need office space, they live near your clients/potential clients and no complaints about the commute! The difficult part is keeping in touch, […]

Uh oh…I’ve been promoted

Summary:  The promotion you have been working hard on has come through…now what…do you have that feeling “what did I get myself into” The promotion you have been working on has come through. Your hard work and effort has paid off. It’s your first day on the job and you are getting a realistic view of what […]

2 faces of a promotion

Summary:  You have promoted one of your people to manager. Are you aware of the two faces of promotion? Are you prepared to handle them at the same time?   It was a difficult decision, after all there are so many good employees in your company. You were only able to promote one person…you are […]

Imagine the results of accountability

Summary:  What would it mean to you, your business, your people and clients if your employees took responsibility and accountability for their actions on a daily basis? Your first step to get you there. Are you letting them be accountable and responsible for their work and actions?I’m sure your first reaction is “of course” and […]

What I Learned from Olympic Athletes

Summary: Learn from the Olympic athletes, while they aiming to be the best in the world they have missteps. It doesn’t get them down. Learn how they move on. Like most of the world right now, I am fascinated with the Olympics. Every four years these athletes come together to show the world they are […]