Do you have this reputation?
Summary: Are you guilty of not answering emails? Follow these three tips to change your reputation. Are you guilty of this? You receive emails, phone messages or get asked questions….then nothing. By nothing I mean – you don’t respond. You may have many reasons for this – too busy, lots of messages, don’t have any […]
Do you have a people strategy?
Summary: Do you have a people strategy? What you company will look like in the future? What kind of people you will need? Answer these questions to move in the right direction. Usually when we think of strategy we think about marketing, sales, and overall direction. When is the last time you thought about your […]
Are You Playing Favorites?
Summary: As a leader we may have a favorite person on our team. Be sure they deserve the status by answering these question or you may suffer some backlash. It’s ok to admit, everyone knows it – you have a favorite person in your office. Maybe it’s their personality, they always say “good morning” or […]
Can You Take A Vacation?
Summary: Can you take a week or two vacation from your vacation? Prepare yourself and your business to be away. It’s summer time, the weather is warm and thoughts of escaping work for a week or two fill your dreams? Can you do it? Can you take a week or two from your business? For […]
Ready for Transition? 5 things to Consider
Summary: Soon you will have to make a transition from lean and mean to growth. Are you prepared? Here are 5 things you need to consider. I know many of you may have doubts about the course of the economy whether or not it is turning around or not. Regardless of your current view, you […]
Death by Procrastination
Summary: We all procrastinate on tasks for our own reasons. Here’s how to start getting over the procrastination habit. You know and I know it…we all those tasks or “to do’s” we put off simply because we don’t like them. Most of the time we are the go-getters, get it done, the go-to person, etc. […]
3 Ways to Keep Employees Interested
Summary: Sometimes being a business owner is complicated by the employees working with us. Try these three tactics for better employee involvement in your business. Do you ever think to yourself – “Being a business owner would be great if it weren’t for the people?”. In speaking with business owners over the years they understsand […]
Does my small business really need HR?
Summary: All business sizes can benefit from HR, you need determine how much. Well that depends. Don’t you hate that answer, yeah me too. However it doesn’t change the answer. All business require some type of HR support, the real question is how much. So let’s take a look at what you need to consider. […]
Why are you holding on?
Summary: Do you have that one person you have kept in your company for too long? What are you doing to change it? Here’s a way to get started. Do you find yourself looking at one of your people and saying “why are they still here?” or “he is more trouble than he’s worth”, then […]
Community Loyalty
Summary: We do not work or live in isolation, we are part of a community. By giving to our local community, we will be part of a win-win between the company and community. We do not work or live in isolation by ourselves where our actions, business, or community are not affected by what we do. […]