Are you promoting Client Loyalty?

Summary:  Are you keeping your clients loyal? How? Here are a few tips. You look at the title of this post and say “yes, of course”! I know you are – you are surpassing expectations with each order or project. Wonderful, what are you doing to bring them back? Are they coming back? Are they referring others […]

Vendor, Supplier or Partner

Summary: You may consider them a vendor or supplier. Treat them as a partner and how does your business change? As discussed in The Leadership Loyalty Factor, there are four areas of loyalty you need in your company to experience continued success. Client Vendor/Supplier Employee Community To continue on this path, we will next look […]

Employee Loyalty

Summary:  You rely on your employees to grow your business, to keep moving forward you need to gain their loyalty. It goes without saying, you depend on your employees to get the work done. They are the heart of your operation. Your clients depend on them to receive a product or service. Your people rely […]

The Leadership Loyalty Factor

Summary: What makes a business successful? Loyalty in four areas: clients, employees, partners and community. The more I talk to people about their business, what works and what doesn’t, it is becoming clearer what makes a business successful beyond its product or service. Your product or service will attract clients to your business as you […]

Are you creating doubt?

Summary: Does it appear your people don’t have confidence in you? Are you creating it unintentionally? Remove the doubt words from your vocabulary. For people to follow your lead, confidence is key. People want a leader who is clear in direction and follows through. Want to be less effective? Create doubt.  Does it seem that your people […]

Is a bad apple spoiling the bunch?

Summary:  One person with a negative attitude in your business can infect everyone. Tips on what to do about it. The one aspect of human behavior that still confuses me is how infectious negative behavior is compared to positive.  Why is it that rumors, bad behavior or criticism can spread throughout a company at lightning speed whereas […]

It’s All in the Family

Summary: You may be thinking of how you pass along your business to family. Before making any moves – create your plan. In our business, one of the thoughts that may enter our mind is “Who will take over my business/clients when I retire?” or “Who can help me grow my business?”  One of the […]

There is still hope

Summary:  Do you notice that employees don’t have the skills or abilities to success within the first 30 days? Do you say “There is still hope”? Stop making excuses. How many times have you found yourself saying “I will give it one more chance” to an employee who in your mind you know will not […]

Too Many Chefs in the Kitchen

Summary: When there is more than one person in charge, ensure you are providing a unified front. Do people in your business have to report to more than one person? Is your business based on a partnership – where maybe both of you don’t always agree? Are you family operated? These three scenarios can lead […]

Valentine’s Day for your Business

Summary:  Valentine’s Day in your business should be an ongoing event not once a year. It’s Valentine’s Day. The one day of year where the world reminds us to say “I Love You” and spend money on gifts. Yes, like everything else, it has become very commercialized. For me, things loose their true value once very […]