Don’t Settle for Average

Summary:  You don’t consider yourself average so don’t accept average. Where does it start? Be demanding. Do you consider yourself average? Probably not, so why would you settle for average. No, I’m not talking about dating – it’s about your people. The people working around you every day and who you rely on for your […]

It’s Up To You

Summary:  Culture is you internal brand. It is up to you to create and maintain it – no one else. Sometimes when to speak of culture or your internal brand, we place the onus on someone else. Maybe it’s the person in marketing, human resources, a manager or the administrator.  I’m sorry to tell you […]

What does it mean to you?

Summary:  What does culture mean to a business? Define it, work it, use it and celebrate it. It’s all good. A lot is said about culture – how to define it, do you need one and what does it mean to your business. To many businesses this sound like a “big business” idea and may […]

Is a Bad Apple spoiling your Bunch?

Summary: We have all experienced or have that one person who started out well and over time has become mediocre to awful. Worse yet, it has become contagious and spread to others. What do you do?  We have all seen it, we have experienced it…and uh, oh…you have one. Now they didn’t start out this […]

Reach them at their level

Summary: Get your point across without losing the other person or talking down to them. Notice these three things to get you communicating better. When you own your own business or have been doing a job for a while or worked in a certain industry for many years – we can forget that not everyone […]

Your Cast of Characters

Summary:  Each person you work with has their own character. To be able to work with them you need to understand them. If you work with people around you, you have noticed that each one has it’s own personality. Some are easier to get along with than others. If you didn’t have to work with […]

Minimizing the Dissapointment

Summary:  You get a joy of watching people grow into new roles. Sometimes with a promotion that means one other person doesn’t get it. Handled properly you can keep them interested and motivated. If you the type of leader that coaches and mentors those around you – one of the greatest joys is watching them […]

Leadership and Style

Summary: We all have a thinking style, a fashion style and working style. When was the last time you thought about your leadership style? Ask yourself these questions to determine yours. We all have a thinking style, a fashion style and a working style. When was the last time you thought about your leadership style? […]

Day One Leadership

Summary: Whether through promotion or hiring for your own company – you may now be leading your former peers! Now what? It happens, sometimes it’s planned and other times not. You may know it was going to happen and sometimes you may not realize it. It’s leading your peers. It could be due to a […]

Starting Leadership

Summary:  You have realized you are a manager and more importantly a leader. Where do you start? How do you create the team you want? You have grown your business to the point where you can’t do it all yourself – congratulations! You are tasting success and you love it. You hire people to work […]