The One Change You Need for a Better Team

Creating Meaningful and On-Going Feedback for a Better Team

Why Do I Need An Employee Handbook?

This is a question that is asked often..especially with smaller businesses. It appears everyone understands why a large business would need one…but the “I’m small and I take care of my employees” folks have a harder time with this. I get it. I would like to give you a five reasons why you should consider […]
The Routine Trap
The Routine Trap

Do they REALLY know what is expected?

Has your company changed in the last couple of year? The changes could come in the form of the clients you serve, growth, formalized procedures, subject to new regulations, subject to fewer regulations, etc. If I had to guess without speaking to you directly – the answer would be yes. All business change and adapt […]
An Employee is Involved in a Violent Protest – Now What?

The right to free speech is entrenched in the US Constitution. We have the right to speak our political views, to speak our opinions, and to speak out about what matters to us. We all know this and respect it (even when we don’t like the other person’s view). This allows to protest and express […]
“A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand”

We have all heard the saying – “A house divided against itself cannot stand” by Abraham Lincoln. While originally spoken in regards to a divided United States, it still holds true in non-political matters. Today, these words can be used in many organizations. People may refer to it as “us vs. them” mentality. Who are […]
Are Goals a Waste of Time?

We are constantly being told to have goals, accomplishment or achievements to work for. If you are a business owner this may look like a business plan or a strategic document. If you are a manager, it would be revenue, service, or leadership goals. How often do you take the time to pull out […]
What’s a Salary Grid and Do I Need One?

One of the biggest expenses in a business is payroll. Having a structure to how you determine pay for each position is essential to not having out of control costs. When salaries are determined on a whim, based on what they previously earned, or some other factor you can create inequities, poor morale, and damage […]