Dread Annual Reviews, Skip It, & Get Surprising Results

Every year companies put themselves through the ritual of asking Managers to sit down with their employees and discuss the past 12 months. The ritual looks something like this. An announcement, “It’s Performance Review time! Please complete the attached form, send to your Manager, and schedule a meeting within the next 30 days”. 3 weeks […]
Is the lack of employee accountability driving you crazy?

You have given a person a job, explained the responsibilities, and did the training. All is going well until….something happens. Depending on your business that something can be anything from missing a deadline, lack of follow through, not doing what is needed or worse yet – upsetting a customer. Being the patient and coaching leader […]
Why is your job posting not working? Marketing

When most people think of recruiting, it looks like this. Get the job description and post it on-line, review the resumes, lots of non-qualified people, post again, review resumes – possibly find one or two that could do the job. Does that sound like you? Why is this process so frustrating? Because you need to […]
Employee Engagement Strategies for 2017

A new year in business is usually kicked off with some new initiatives, goals, or resolutions. You probably have already complied your business plan for the year and have started working on it. Wonderful! Does your plan include employee engagement? Employee Engagement is about having people emotionally committed to the company and its goals. The […]
You Have 30 Days – Are You Ready?

Everyone has been talking about it for months and based on the conversations I have been having over the last couple of weeks, it is still catching people by surprise. The Department of Labor (DOL) has made a major change that is affecting businesses and their employees. On December 1st the criteria for determining if […]
What’s the Real Problem?

I have a tendency to mix up sayings or get them backwards. I’m talking about things like “An apple a day will keep the doctor away” or “Measure twice and cut once”. Â I like to use them to make a point or to give an example, so you would think I could actually remember them. […]
Be Myself, He Said

I’m sitting in a workshop about marketing at a hotel by the airport. It took me longer to get here than expected thanks to the rain. Why do people drive so slow in the rain? It’s very frustrating. Anways, Dave, the gentleman giving the presentation, tells us to be ourselves when we write, we need […]
How to Make their First Day Great

You did it, you have gone through the work needed to find a great employee to work in your business. You are relieved to finally fill that open position and get the work done. Now it’s their first day, you showed them to an area to work (their desk isn’t ready), you had to give […]
Do you understand your employee mindset? Find out now.

When it comes to running your business through your people, you need to understand your mindset towards your employees. This is the starting point on how you lead your team or maybe in starting to change your behaviors to better match what is needed. Only you can decide where you are. Usually I give you helpful […]
People Will Come and Go

It’s a fact, people will come and go in your business. Some will stay a long time and others seem to be gone before you know it. All companies experience turnover – a change of employees. The question becomes, is it too much or too litlle? I know you are thinking “too little, no such […]