Who Should I Trust to be Interviewing?
5 Ways to Ease Your Recruiting Frustration
People have lots of reason why they think recruiting is difficult. I admit, it’s not easy however many times we make it harder to be successful. What can you do? Here are 5 ways to ease your recruiting frustration. Understand what you need. Many times people will have a general idea of what they need. […]
Are they talking Politics at Work?
Most of us grew up with the addage – never discuss politics or religion at work. The reason for this is very simple – both are very personal. Both, mostly, are passed down from our parents and are philosophies we grew up with. If you have ever disagreed with someone about their politics you […]
Positive Daily Code of Conduct – Do you have one?
I had the pleasure of hearing Linda Deering, the President of Advocate Sherman Hospital speak on “Outstanding Leadership is a Choice”. It was a marvelous presentation on the choices we make as leaders and the effects on others. She shared something that they have and use at the hospital which frankly I thought was brilliant […]
Are your files in order?
When most people think about their business or office, one of the last things they worry about is their files. Afterall, if you can find what you need you’re good, right? Â I would agree. If this hold true for you, you need to understand your employee files will need some extra attention. No, not […]
Why Engagement Matters
It seems to be everywhere and everyone is talking about it. It’s engagement. The question is: is it a fad? A passing fancy? The latest leadership trend that will be replaced in couple years by another one? After all we have seen many trends come and go. The answer is no it is not a […]
Handbooks – why they matter
I get a lot of questions about employee handbooks. Do we need them? What purpose do they serve? How many pages should it be? What do you put inside it? Will it cover all situations so we just have to look it up and know what to do? Do you need one? Short answer – […]
Everyday Values
Summary: Take the time to write down your values. It affects all you do. Make them conscious and live them everyday. Have you ever taken the time to write down your values? If you own a company, have you written the companies values? Have you noticed this is not a simple as it […]
When Can Knowledge Bite You in the Butt
Summary: In Illinois a new law was signed and goes into effect January 1, 2015 regarding background checks. Many states have similar laws. On July 19, 2014, 2014, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law the Job Opportunities for Qualified Applicants Act, which will go into effect on January 1, 2015. The new law will […]
Thanks and Gratitude
Here in the United States, this week we celebrate Thanksgiving. A time to give thanks for what we have which is ironically followed by the biggest shopping day of the year (Black Friday) where we buy all we don’t have. Leaving all irony aside, I would like to take this time to express my Thanks […]