It’s Still Sexual Harassment Even If You’re Working Remotely
A growing remote workforce has changed the way many organizations do business today. However, something that hasn’t changed is the risk of sexual harassment despite people no longer sharing a physical space. In fact, according to Project Include, 26% of those surveyed said they experienced harassment based on gender while working from home. Here’s why […]
How To Determine When Something An Employee Tells You In Confidence Needs To Be Reported To HR
This is a real conundrum. If an employee comes to you and shares information confidentially that would otherwise be reported to HR, how do you respond? On the one hand they are choosing to tell you for a reason. Perhaps it’s something deeply personal that is impacting their wellbeing and disrupting their work performance. Or […]
Employees Often Leave Because of Their Managers Rather Than Their Jobs
57 percent of employees quit because of their boss. Yikes. This is one of those facts that many business owners hate to hear. It means that you might be the reason you can’t seem to hold onto the talent you need to succeed. It might also be you’re hiring managers that lack the skills to […]
Stop Using These 15 Company Clichés
Buzzwords and clichés are part of most company cultures, but why are we so intent on using them? The more you toss out those tiring words, the more they lose their meaning, and the less effective you are at communicating. If you want to increase employee engagement and decrease their eye-rolling, then avoiding tired business […]
What Happens to Your Staff When You Sell Your Company?
You’ve worked your whole career for the possibility that you may one day be able to sell your company. You’ve reached that stage where you are entertaining offers from prospective buyers, and you have some important decisions to make that will have long-lasting consequences regarding your legacy. At least through 2018, the rate of small […]
Best Ways to Boost Employee Satisfaction in the Near Post-Covid Era
Earlier this year, we discussed what a return to the office might look like as Covid cases began to dwindle. It turned out that a sizable segment of employees were actually itching to leave their home workspaces and establish their pre-pandemic routines. We’ve hit a snag with the spread of the Delta variant; still, many […]
4 Ways to Recognize Your Employees For Labor Day
Traditionally, companies give out bonuses and gifts around the winter holidays, and while that is a magnanimous practice, these generous gestures don’t necessarily surprise employees. Christmas, Chanukka, Kwanzaa, and other November, December holidays get a lot of notoriety. Labor Day, on the other hand, sort of comes and goes and seems to be more associated […]
5 Benefits of Recruiting and Retaining Gen Z Candidates and Employees
Kids today…blah, blah, blah. The younger generations are the largest ones, and whether or not you believe in the George Bernard Shaw quote, “Youth is wasted on the young,” employers need the young to propel their businesses. Over 67 million people in the U.S. comprise Generation Z, born between 1996 and 2012 and younger than […]
How to Terminate Employees Over Job Performance
Terminating an employee is never easy, especially during the last year-and-a-half of economic turmoil. If you have given several chances to underperforming employees and they are showing no signs of improvement, then it is time to let them go. Still, it’s nearly impossible to not worry about the impact this will have on them and […]
Wearing Too Many Hats: Why Employees with Multiple Roles Aren’t as Efficient
Often business owners and supervisors find certain workers excel in their performance. As a result, it is easy to find yourself handing more and more responsibility to that employee. However, if you aren’t careful the star performer you depend on most, especially, will either get burned out or start dropping balls. Here’s why wearing too […]