Who are your “behind the scenes” people?

Summary: In the circus there are people dressed in all black who make the show doesn’t stop. In business we also have these “behind the scenes” people. Who are yours? How do you acknowledge their work?

Each November we embark on our own family tradition of going to the circus. We have been doing this for the last 5 years and we love it. Even after all these years, this is the first time I really noticed the people who are dressed in black who help the performers. They move the various apparatus that is needed, clean up after the animals, provide safety checks, and ensure the show doesn’t stop.

The performers of the show are the ones who get the applause, the recognition, and posters. However, without these support people – the folks behind the scene the show can’t go on.

behind the scenes, employees, recognition
Courtesy of PhotoXpress

In business, we also have these “behind the scenes” people. The folks that help us run smoothly. In your business they may be the janitor, accounting clerk, or data analyst. Do you have these behind the scene people? Those whose work may not always be noticed by your clients but are essential to your company’s success?

How are the people or positions viewed internally? Are they given the respect and recognition they deserve? Or do they blend into background?

Most people in these positions prefer to be behind the scenes and not the center of attention, so how do you show appreciation without making them uncomfortable?

  • Make it personal. They do not want to be called out in a meeting or drawn attention to in an email. Instead a thank you note that is handwritten will mean a lot to them.
  • Make sure others know.  Talk about the “behind the scenes” people who make the business run – draw attention to the department or positions.
  • Make it private. When you see a job well done, talk to them in private and let them know you noticed.

They are easy to forget, they won’t always be top of mind and you may not always notice all they do. Be sure to take the time and show them you notice.

How do you acknowledge your “behind the scenes” people?