3 Tips to Attract Candidates

Summary:  Have you read a job ad lately? It is amazing that anyone applies. Don’t let this happen to you, follow these three tips.

I am a volunteer. Every Monday I meet with one or two people to guide them through job transition. I do this through a local non-profit CareerPlace. I enjoy the work, especially when a client lands a job. I have to admit, I am surprised most companies get anyone to apply for their jobs. I mean really, have you seen what job ads look like?


A Job Ad is no different than any of your other marketing. Well, there is one difference – your target audience.  Would you create an ad for your produce or service that only listed what it did? Or that only spoke to “if you are the right consumer”?  No, probably not after all what consumer or other business would be interested in purchasing from you. So why is it acceptable to do this in an employment ad?

How can you change it? How can you attract people to your company?

Follow these three tips:

  • Let your personality (culture) show.  Tell people what it is like to work at the company, the people who already work there and about your clients. Let them like they are already part of the team.
  • Be inclusive. Don’t say “the ideal candidate” instead say things like “we” and “you”. This will make them want to be a part of you.
  • Give a snapshot. Tell them what a typical day may be like or “you would be responsible for…” whatever you do, don’t just cut and paste the job description…boring!
Following just three tips will make you ad stand out from the rest and attract more quality people.
Focus HR provides recruitment training through workshops, workbooks and coaching. Contact us today to assist you in getting the best for your company.