5 Ways to Bad Leadership

They are easy to do and implement – leaders have been doing it over and over again to successfully brand themselves a bad leader within days of assuming a new position.  If you would like to duplicate this success for yourself – follow these simple instructions.


They will listen, you’re the boss.  Tell people what to do without explanation or reason. People are not interested in understanding the big picture and cannot comprehend what running a business is all about. Just give orders.

Ignore previous strategies. This is your show now, ignore what worked or didn’t work in the past. Create a strategy based on what you know to be right.

Make immediate changes. Don’t talk to colleagues, employees or clients – just make the changes. You know best.

Don’t keep your word. When you have made a decision it is ok to change your mind and not tell anyone. It doesn’t matter that you have received new information, the people around you just have to understand.

Don’t appreciate. The people who work in the company just need to do their job. There is no need to say “thank you” or “good job”, after all their paycheck should be enough.

The sad reality is that these five ways are repeated over and over again, every day. Doesn’t matter if it is a small business or a large enterprise. At times it is done out of fear of failure, trying to make an immediate mark on the business or general lack of awareness of what they are doing.

Don’t fall victim to these methods, actually do the exact opposite.

Listen. Ask questions of the people around you. Ask about the business, the clients, what works for them, what doesn’t and listen. You can learn about what your next steps may be as well as the best way to manage those who report to you.

Explain. When you make a decision or decide on a strategy, talk about it. Let everyone understand what you are trying to achieve, how it will be achieved and what their role is in the process.  People want to know the direction of the company and why. If you are up for it, let them ask questions and give you feedback.

Positive Changes. After you have listened to the people around you, you will have some ideas of how to make positive changes. Be smart when you make the changes – Are they really needed? Will it have a positive impact? If someone else gave you the idea, make sure you give them the credit.

Trust. No leader can be effective without trust. It’s key, if your people don’t trust you – they will not listen, they will not follow and they will not care about the business. How to build trust? Listen, keep your word, be honest, be truthful and take an interest in each person.

Appreciation. Let employees know how their contributes to the organization, give them purpose and say “thank you”. When a job is done well, tell them. A quick “thank you” and “I appreciate the work you did today” will go a long way in fostering loyalty.

Don’t fall victim to bad leadership, take steps now to improve.

What are your tips for being a better leader? Share by writing them in the comments below.