A Sense of Purpose

As you may have noticed, I champion Leadership and am a firm believer in coaching employees to success to create a successful business. While this may not always be easy and require you to take a step back away from the situation to understand how best to deal with it – with practice and patience I know all business leaders can be great people leaders.


Many times I have been asked for a quick, do it now, tip that a leader can use. While I have many, just read through previous blog posts, I would have to say my number one tips is this “give your people a purpose”.

What? Many people think – an employees purpose is to come to work and do their job. Actually, I would say that is the reason they get a paycheck but it’s not their purpose. Think bigger picture.

How does each and every person who works for you fit into your organization? How does their job, daily activities support or make happy clients? How does their position contribute to the success of the company?

Answer these questions and share. Tell each employee how they fit in, create happy clients and make the company successful. How powerful! You have giving each person “purpose” for them being there everyday.

Each person is motivated by a sense of purpose or why am I here. If you are a parent – it is your kids. If you are an environmentalist – creating a better planet for future generations. If you are a business owner – providing your expertise/product to your clients. Think of how that motivates you each day (beyond the money). Your employees also need to be motivated beyond the money and purpose gives each person a reason to go into work each day.

Purpose can be given to any person in any position. For example: A receptionist purpose is to manage “first impressions”, an accountant’s purpose is  cash flow or business continuity, a plant worker’s purpose is “build a great product” (which will be purchased again and again). Therefore be sure you don’t dismiss a position because you aren’t sure what their purpose is or how it fits into the big picture – everyone fits into the big picture. Finding the right words to explain it may be a challenge, but you are up to it. You can do it.

Give your employees purpose and they will reward you with hard work and loyalty.