Are you promoting Client Loyalty?

Summary:  Are you keeping your clients loyal? How? Here are a few tips.

You look at the title of this post and say “yes, of course”! I know you are – you are surpassing expectations with each order or project. Wonderful, what are you doing to bring them back? Are they coming back? Are they referring others to you? Are you marketing efforts solely focused on getting new customers?

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Let me explain where this comes from. I don’t know if you have the same reaction or not – but you see commercials with special offers for “new customers only”. You have been a customer for many years (yes, this is loyalty) but what is your incentive to “stay” or “save” with your current provider. Do you also get frustrated? I do. I feel like it’s a slap in the face that as a long-standing customer I don’t get any “perks”.

Are you unintentionally doing the same in your business? What are you doing to bring back your clients over and over again. Here are a few tips:

Going Above and Beyond.  I know, you are doing this already. You and your company are giving your all each day to each client. I suggest taking it one step further. If you see a need your client has but hasn’t asked for yet – give it to them (in a way that makes sense for your business). think about the last time someone gave you something unexpected but needed – my guess is you keep going back to them and let others know.

Keep in touch. Your clients may not require your products or services each day. That’s ok. Find a way to keep in touch so you don’t become forgotten.  How? A phone call (with no sales attached), email, hand written note, surveys, tips, or a newsletter. Find what works best for you and your clients. Don’t become the adage, “Out of Sight, Out of Mind”.

Ask. Ask your clients where they are needing extra help in their business and help or guide them to who can help. Refer your clients to others who may need their services. Show an interest in their business beyond what you provide. Also, don’t be shy ask them for referrals as well.

These are just a few suggestions, there are many more. What are you doing to keep your clients loyal?