Coffee Maker Efficiency

This past week I bought a new coffee maker and I’m in LOVE! It makes great coffee (a requirement for any coffee maker) and clean up is practically non-existent (this is why I’m in love). It makes one cup at a time and when I’m done I throw away the little container the coffee came in. The efficiency and wonderful results have won me over.


What does a coffee maker have to do with business? Well over a cup of dark roast, I thought about how many process or procedures do we have that could be more efficient? From an HR perspective there are a few, use these tips to make your company more efficient.

Still using time cards? Ask your payroll provider if they have a system that integrates with payroll. Your employees would “clock in” and “out” via a computer at your location, a review of hours and send it to payroll. Viola! What used to be a very time consuming process is done online and quickly.

Using a spreadsheet or paper to track time off? Let your payroll program do the work for you.  Enter the rules or accruals for vacation, sick, or paid time off (PTO). When someone takes a day or hours note it in payroll and done.  Bonus:  have the information print on the pay stub and each person will know how much time they have with every pay check.

Do you regularly send emails to the same group of people? Create a group list on your email. This is your own person list – give it a name and include all their emails. Since it is your own list, you can change and update as needed. Now that regular email you won’t miss people, no one will be forgotten and it only took you a moment.

These are just a few to get your thoughts started.  Look at all the different processes you manage on a regular basis and ask yourself – How can it be done better? Are there any short cuts to do it faster? If you don’t have the answers, ask those around you.

What simple tips do you have for improving efficiency?