Employee Recognition on a Budget

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Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of our work lives, we forget to step back and thank those around us. After all, who doesn’t like a pat on the back or recognition for a job well done? More than likely you have employees who would be over the moon for being recognized for their hard work and contribution to the company.

You would love to show them the appreciation but you are limited by a budget. That is a reality we are all facing however it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tell them how you have noticed their efforts.

Showing your employees appreciation goes a long way in boosting morale, showing gratitude and possibly just be fun.  Doing so does not have to break the bank. Simple gestures go a long way.  Here are a few examples that can get your creative appreciation juices going.

If you are want to recognize an individual:

  • A hand written thank you note (this is much more personal than an email or e-card)
  • Gift card for their favorite coffee, lunch place
  • Public recognition in front of other employees
  • Paid day off
  • Tickets to their favorite sporting event
  • A basket/bag of their favorite goodies
  • Do they have kids (or are kids at heart) – how about tickets to the amusement park

If you want to recognize a group of people:

  • Host a BBQ with you as Chief Griller
  • Allow them to leave early on Friday
  • Pizza Lunch
  • Bagel Breakfast
  • Ice Cream Break (ok, almost any kind of food)
  • An outing to a local forest preserve to canoe, picnic (brown bag it), see what’s in your area
  • A trip to the Zoo (some cities have free admission)

Keep in mind – it’s not about the cost. It’s about acknowledging their contribution to you and the company.  Have fun with it! Be spontaneous!