How Do You Make Them Feel?

Summary:  Maya Angelou has a wonderful quote about how people remember how you made them feel. Imagine your impact on the business if people feel empowered and engaged.

Maya Angelou has a wonderful quote that is directly related to leadership and working with people. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” leadership, leadership skills   Not sure if you agree, think back to people in your life – personal and work – and what are your first thoughts of them. Are they feelings? Feelings beyond happy, sad, and angry. How about the feelings of empowered, energized, respected, worth, or appreciated. Now take a look at the people you are working with, trying to influence in your life – would they use similar words to describe you? What impact would it have on you, those around you and your business if people would use these words to describe you? Too often we get caught up in the “do it now” and our own to-do list to see a bigger picture of helping someone in their journey. In a business this could mean your clients – are you going beyond the “work” and educating them? It could mean your employees – are you coaching them to be accountable? In your home life – how empowered are your parents, partner or kids? Feeling have a habit of being called “soft” or too “touchy feely”, that’s an easy way to dismiss we have greater impact on people than we may realize. Need assistance in working with your people and making them feel empowered or appreciated? Contact me for a complimentary discussion.