How to Motivate Employees

Summary: A common question is “How do I motivate my employees?” You are not going to like the answer – you can’t motivate others. You can however trigger their internal motivation.

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This question comes up a lot.

How do I motivate my employees?  

Most people are looking for an answer that is similar to pushing a button on the remote to turn on the TV. Oh, how easy it would be if we all had a motivation button on our back that could be pushed and off we go. Unfortunately, as people, it is not that simple. To start with and you are not going to like this answer – you can’t motivate others.


Yes, you read that right. You can’t motivate others – they can only motivate themselves. Wait…but there are motivational speakers, audios, books, etc. And lots of them too. Why is that? If we could motivate others, wouldn’t we just need one book and we would all be motivated?

The thing is we are human beings that come with our own DNA, life experience and values. We are each individuals who respond to different messages and stimuli. This is why you can’t motivate others. What you can do is…

Trigger their motivation.

You need to determine what motivates each person and use that to get them going. For example – if you have a person who thrives on recognition for their work, let them know their peers/clients will appreciate all their hard work. When they have handled it to your satisfaction or beyond, be sure to let everyone know about it.

Use your imagination and reach each person by what motivates them. Time off, sports, volunteering, etc.

Don’t motivate them…trigger their internal motivation!

What motivates you? Share below.