Businessman sinking in a puddle of quicksand. Business concept

Is your company stuck?

Businessman sinking in a puddle of quicksand. Business concept

When I talk to potential clients about what they hope to achieve in their company and what’s holding them back – I hear a lot of “in the future” or “once we finish with x” or “we are not organized enough for that” as an answer to “when”. You can sense the frustration in their voice as they explain why they haven’t been able to do what they want.

I’ve seen it happen. A company wants to change and move forward (according to their definition) however they get stuck. Sometimes it’s due to analysis paralysis, overwhelm or working “in” the business instead of “on”. So how do you get past each of these in order to achieve the company you want?

The reason or excuse you use can turn into quick sand – once you start down this road it is easy to get stuck and getting out is harder. The more you fight it the more you sink. (Are you nodding your head in agreement?)

Analysis Paralysis or Everyone has to agree. The need to over analyze each aspect of what we are trying to achieve or wanting to get everyone to agree on the direction. As with anything else, when making a decision on the future of your company this will stop you cold.  You need to determine if getting any more information or creating more if/then situations is helping you make a better decision. On the everyone has to agree argument – there is no nice way to say this – It won’t happen. The minute you put two people in a room, there will be a difference of opinion. Place a decision in the hands of 4, 10 or more people, you will see “teams” or “cliques” forming who will typically become inflexible in their opinions. How do you avoid this? Don’t look for agreement, look for acceptance.

Once we finish with x. Usually when I am speaking to business owners, it’s about their people. So when I hear “once we finish with x” the project they are referring to is not about their people but about a process or product.  Many times there is a preference to handle one project at a time, it’s understandable as you don’t want to divide priorities. The challenge becomes this – is by putting off what you want to achieve actually hindering the progress of other projects or the growth of your company? In other words – what are you losing or not achieving by not starting on your goals.

We are not organized enough for that. Personally I have seen situations where this is the case – however that’s where I can help.  Are you trying to do it all yourself or with your current team? This is a sign you need additional help, even if the help is temporary and for set amount of time. Consider getting outside help to get you over the hump.

Are you putting off your people projects for these reasons? It’s time to reconsider what it is costing you and how will you achieve your goals for the company if you are creating barriers.

Let me help you eliminate your barriers to do what is right for you and your company.