It’s Up To You

Summary:  Culture is you internal brand. It is up to you to create and maintain it – no one else.

Sometimes when to speak of culture or your internal brand, we place the onus on someone else. Maybe it’s the person in marketing, human resources, a manager or the administrator.  I’m sorry to tell you this….no one else is to blame or is responsible – it’s up to you.

accountability, responsibility

If any of those other people aren’t living up to your expectations or managing the way you like then it is up to you to change it. If you have people who are treating others poorly, it is up to you to change it. If people are saying one thing and doing another then it is up to you to change it. If your brand isn’t being perceived as you like, it is up to you to change it.  Yes, it all starts with you.  After all it is your business, whether you are the owner, president or some other title –  it is up to you.

Now that we have that clarified, what are you going to do about it?

Ah ha, that’s the tough question!

Step back. Before diving in and taking action. Take a look at what the “root cause” of the issue. Don’t stop at your first answer, keep digging. You have to know what to fix before the how.

Plan. Come up with a plan of action and follow it. You don’t want to wing this, the consequences are too great to leave it up to chance.

Follow through. More times than I care to count, plans fail from lack of follow through. Yes, it is going to take time and will mot be fixed overnight. It will take perseverance on your part and “stick to it-ness”. Remember it is too important, if you don’t frustration will set in very quickly and you will be the one to blame.

Get to it!