Leadership and Style

Summary: We all have a thinking style, a fashion style and working style. When was the last time you thought about your leadership style? Ask yourself these questions to determine yours.

We all have a thinking style, a fashion style and a working style. When was the last time you thought about your leadership style? Not very often. After all the last time I thought about any type of style was when I went shopping and that was to say “no that’s not me”. However our leadership style affects much more than ourselves,  it affects those around us and those who we are trying to lead. Both positively and negatively…therefore we must proceed with caution.


leadership, style, beliefs
Courtesy of PhotoExpress

Take a moment to think about these.

  • What words would you use to describe how you lead people?
  • What words would people use to describe the way you lead?
  • Are they more similar or dissimilar?

In order to define your style you will need to reconcile the two if they are different. Maybe you are not quite sure what you want your style to be or you want to change it….where do you start?

Leadership at its core is based on your beliefs. These beliefs will drive your behavior, actions and thoughts therefore this is where we need to start. Here are some questions to help get you started.

  • What motivates you personally and professionally?
  • What is your outlook of people in general?
  • What do you consistently expect from yourself and others?
  • Which values will you never compromise?

Once you understand your core beliefs you can work on the rest of your style.

Your leadership style will incorporate the following:

  • Do you focus on tasks or outcomes?
  • Are you a listener or talker?
  • Do you encourage discussions on different view points?
  • Do you coach/guide others or micromanage?
  • Do you provide autonomy or strict procedures?

Keep in mind there are no right or wrong answers – just truthful ones. After all if you cannot be truthful with yourself why would anyone else trust what you have to say.

 How would you describe your style? Would others agree?