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The One Change You Need for a Better Team

performance reviews, communication
I have been on a quiet mission to change how companies do performance reviews. Many are still using a task list with some sort of grade. The grade can be either a number (1-10) or a scale from needs improvement to exceeds expectations. Regardless, its a grade as if we were still in school. Work is not school, so how about we treat our teams like adults and each person responsible for their career and advancement?
On the surface, many like this idea. Doubts come in when they learn we are replacing the performance reviews with ongoing communication happening a at least 4 times a year. Did you gasp? Probably since you are putting this in the context of what you currently do.
That’s the first thing you need to change – how you are doing it. Imagine a method where employees take charge, they come to you with their feedback, and set their own goals. You then follow up after a period of time. Does that sound more reasonable to you?
When switching to a more productive conversation, the first one always takes longer as both of you are adjusting to something new. Also, because you are having a conversation like you have never had before. This alone will be insightful beyond what you can imagine. Each conversation will be shorter while still being meaningful.
Warning – this is one side effect I must warn you about. You will have a culture defined by open communication and accountability.
Looking for something new? Ready to make the change? Contact us to create a new review for you and your team.