Positive Daily Code of Conduct – Do you have one?

Positive, employee communication

I had the pleasure of hearing Linda Deering, the President of Advocate Sherman Hospital speak on “Outstanding Leadership is a Choice”. It was a marvelous presentation on the choices we make as leaders and the effects on others.

She shared something that they have and use at the hospital which frankly I thought was brilliant – a Code of Conduct.  I know we all have a section in our employee handbook with a code of conduct. It’s a list of does and don’ts of employee behavior, you  will be professional, you will provide excellent customer service, you will…etc. This section is needed as it lays out expectations.Going beyond this Code of Conduct, what if you had a Positive Daily Code of Conduct.


Consider it the foundation on how everyone is treated and interacts with each other. Specific instruction – not generalities. The three that she mentioned are a great start:

  • No gossip:  As gossip is typically based on rumors and not facts, it serves no purpose besides to harm the person it is directed at. It’s a good thing to eliminate. If you have a question, concern or disagreement with directly.
  • No bad moments, hours or day: It happens, we can’t always be positive on the inside. However that’s where it should stay. Outwardly we are always positive since even a little bit of negative can spread.
  • Assume no ill intent: (this one is my favorite). It is easy to misinterpret a person’s intentions especially over email. Instead of assuming the worst, read it again and assume they have not written it with ill intent. Imagine how differently you would respond. Imagine how situations would be better handled if we don’t assume the worse of another person.

If you would to use these as an example or as a start What else would you add? How would you ask yourself and others to show respect?

Imagine the impact of having a Positive Daily Code of Conduct on your business. Would it be easier to achieve the results you want and make it more pleasant?

Would you like a facilitated session to have your team determine the best Positive Daily Code of Conduct for your business? I can help facilitate – let’s discuss by calling 773.531.8199.