Reach them at their level

Summary: Get your point across without losing the other person or talking down to them. Notice these three things to get you communicating better.

When you own your own business or have been doing a job for a while or worked in a certain industry for many years – we can forget that not everyone knows what we know.  For example if you are a marketer, not everyone around you may understand about niche or local marketing. So how do you get your point across or teach someone without losing them or worse yet come across as talking down to them.

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I remember reading an interesting fact early in my career that has helped me to this day. Newspapers are written at the 6th grade reading level. Now I do not want to discuss if this a good idea, bad idea or what it says about our educational system. Instead what I took from it is that you have to relate to people on their level.

This actually works in several ways, adjusting your speech or writings to the person in front of you. The key is not to insult or demean the person.

How does this work?

Listen to their speech patterns. Take note of the words they use and their speaking style.

Word choice. Are they using casual, informal words or are they using business jargon or industry specific terms.

Method of communication.  Are they a phone,  in-person or email communicator.

Knowing these three things about the other will get you on the right path as what you need to do now is match their style.  It is always easier to get through to someone if you match their style instead of having them adopt to yours.

How do you reach people at their level?