Road map with markers

Do they REALLY know what is expected?

expectations, guide, employees

Has your company changed in the last couple of year? The changes could come in the form of the clients you serve, growth, formalized procedures, subject to new regulations, subject to fewer regulations, etc. If I had to guess without speaking to you directly – the answer would be yes. All business change and adapt to current conditions.

Most likely, you have employees that have been with you through all these changes. Have you talked to them about it? Do they understand what has happened and why?

Now, let’s really dig into what’s important to them.  How has is changed their job? role? day-to-day responsibilities? How has it changed what you, your clients, peers, etc. need from them?

When is the last time you had a discussion with them about was is expected from them? Either on a daily, weekly, monthly – whatever time period is relevant to you – basis?

I will tell you this. Human nature will have us believing if the have survived to this point, they know what is expected. Well, that’s not always the case. They may be doing work, attending to your clients, reports are being processed – however are they what’s needed? Are they going back and re-doing since they don’t know what was needed in the first place?

That is what setting expectations is about. It’s about showing them a map, pointing out the destination, and letting them navigate. Remember it’s always about the “what’ needs to be done, let them come up with the “how” (unless of course there are regulations you need to follow for the how).

Take action! Go over the expectations and ensure all are on the same path.

Not sure where to start? Let’s talk, I can be reached at [email protected] or 773.531.8199.