Sex, Politics & Religion

taboo workplace topics

What do sex, politics and religion all have in common? They should never be discussed in the workplace, unless of course your business is a political or religious institution.

I did an informal poll with friends/colleagues about topics which shouldn’t be discussed at work – these three were among others mentioned. We all have a few friends or colleagues who will challenge our way of thinking. In this case, it was about – why can’t we have open discussions about these topics and others. I agree, open conversation could be helpful to learning others points of views and expand our own knowledge.

However, the reality for the majority of people is these are all topics where beliefs are very personal, opposing views can be controversial, damage relationships and it is easy to unintentionally offend. In actuality the person who feels they have an opinion which goes against the majority will typically start to feel isolated and will keep things to themselves and withdraw from all conversations, not only of these topics but work related ones as well. If the person is willing to speak out, they can become ostracised or a faction is created.  This creates the same results – disruption to culture and environment.

Here are a few things I have heard over the course of a year, which should not happen in the workplace.

  • Discussion on who employees should vote for
  • Prayers to start meetings
  • What is considered a women’s job vs. man’s job
  • Discussion if someone is or isn’t homosexual/transgender
  • Which religion is right
  • Why one political party is better than another one
  • Insulting someone’s beliefs as “stupid”

These are just a few topics that I have heard, maybe in your own organization you have heard others. The rule of thumb is this – if its not related the organization, the customers and the job at hand, don’t discuss it.

It’s simple I know and due to our comfort level with colleagues – we may forget. There is a lot happening in our world right now and the desire to discuss is high – let’s keep it civil and out of the workplace. Treat everyone with kindness and your business will be a much better place.