Spread The Love: Spotlight Your Employees in Your Company Newsletter


Newsletters typically provide content that’s 80% promotional and 20% educational. Sticking with the former, there can be information about new products and services, specials, or company news. 

Unfortunately, it’s more the exception than the rule that the company news section recognizes specific employees for their accomplishments. 

During the so-called “Great Resignation” where employees are seeking new jobs in record numbers, it behooves you to show them some love. Retention and engagement are more important than ever now, and below we offer ways to do so in your company newsletters. 

Highlight Anniversaries & Milestones

The simple act of celebrating work anniversaries and milestones helps create team spirit. It encourages co-workers to offer congratulations and can even show off your company’s ability to retain long-time employees. Include promotions or new roles people are taking on to show that the company offers opportunities. Plus, birthdays mean cake, so everyone wins.

Showcase Employee Profiles

Employee profiles have two benefits:

1. It introduces team members to your customers to give them a behind-the-curtain look at your company.

2. It can help showcase different roles and positions within a company to demonstrate to your audience that you encourage career development.

Employee profiles also humanize your brand by telling a story about your employees’ interests while focusing on the important role they have in the company.

Highlight Employees In Case Studies

Businesses often incorporate case studies in their newsletters that tell client success stories. However, rarely do they include specific employees who were instrumental in that success. As long as you have the permission of your employee and client, you can convey how a team member helped your client achieve their goal. 

Introduce New Hires

In addition to the nice gesture for your employees, introducing new hires to your email list audience conveys a welcoming and inclusive company culture. Your employees can choose to share information about themselves, or if they are humble or shy you can simply explain their new role. Similar to a bio, information can include their professional background and hobbies. 

Make It Easy

For this section of the newsletter to work, make it easy for employees to participate. You can create a short questionnaire for them to fill out or schedule a 1:1 and simply interview them. 

Employee recognition benefits all parties. It looks good to your customers and prospects, it makes employees feel appreciated, and it strengthens your company not only as an industry leader, but one that takes employee engagement and development seriously. 

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